9 min


Our school uniform is an important part of belonging to Westgate Hill. It helps pupils present themselves positively, gives them the confidence to represent the school, and promotes a strong sense of identity.

Westgate Hill school uniform is available to order from our suppliers Michael Sehgal & Sons Ltd.

Important information when ordering uniform

Dress Code

  • White shirt/polo shirt (long or short-sleeved)
  • School sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Black/dark grey trousers (not denim jeans), or black/dark grey skirt or pinafore dress
  • Plain black hijab or taqiya (if desired)
  • Traditional black shoes (low heels) enclosed at toe, side and back (no trainers)
  • Tights or socks

PE Kit

Black shorts, black tracksuit bottoms, and short-sleeved white tee shirt. These items can be ordered from our school uniform suppliers.


As part of our school uniform, pupils are expected to bring a bag to carry, for example,  their reading book and reading record, and PE kit (on PE days).


Hair should be tidy and extreme styles or patterns are not acceptable.

Personal Property

Valuable items should not be brought into school.


No jewellery is allowed except for watches. Body piercing is not permitted and students will be asked to remove any non-uniform item.

Please note: Jewellery or piercings are not permitted on non-uniform days. If children attend wearing these items on non-uniform days, they will be asked to remove them before entering school.    

