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The teaching of Music is based upon the fact that it is a creative and social art to be enjoyed.

Charanga 1

The teaching of music is based upon the fact that it is a creative and social art to be
enjoyed. The progressive strands of music are interwoven with our BRAVE
curriculum to give children the opportunity to enjoy musical experiences through
listening, singing, movement and dance and by playing tuned and un-tuned
instruments. The music program Charanga is used to support the delivery of music
across the school.

At Westgate Hill, we are keen to show our singing skills and do so through in our
school choirs, Year 2 choir, years 3 and 4 choir and years 5 and 6 choir. We also
encourage our children to learn the recorder in our years 3 and 4 group and years 5
and 6 group. All choirs and recorder lessons are led by teaching staff and occur
during lunchtimes.

During this academic year 2023 – 2024, Years 3 to 6 will have the opportunity to play
Samba drums in weekly whole class drumming sessions and EYFS, Years 1 and 2
will be taking part in Djembe drumming sessions. Reception children and Year 1 will
be engaged in the exciting, ‘First Thing Music’ project that will run all year and
engage, support, enhance their learning through music. Years 3,4, 5 and 6 will be
learning to play the ukulele during the year. Years 1 to 6 will all be having a ‘Ceilidh’
experience where they will learn a variety of ceilidh dances whilst listening to
traditional Gaelic music. All of these sessions are led by specialist music teachers
from Newcastle music service.

Pupils from years 3 to 6 have the chance to play the guitar and violin. These lessons
take place after school on a Tuesday and Wednesday and are taught by specialist
music teachers from Newcastle music service, who teach and give pupils the best
opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in this area of the curriculum.
To expand our children’s cultural capital experiences, weekly assemblies include the
opportunity to listen and appraise historical music genres.
Listening to live music is an important part of our music curriculum and we are so
lucky to have the Music Service rock band performing to us again this year in
December. This will be an amazing musical experience for all of our children.