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In a rapidly changing world, it is our job as educators to prepare children for the future. Design and Technology is a crucial first step on that journey. It is a unique way of learning, which links skills and knowledge from the whole curriculum. No solution is ever spontaneously discovered, rather it is found through research, trials and tests. At Westgate Hill Primary Academy, children are encouraged to question and explore the practical world around them. Through this exploration children develop an understanding of social and environmental issues along with technical knowledge and essential life skills. At the heart of every Design and Technology project is the iterative design process, which allows the children to develop the necessary skills to help them become designers of the future. They are able to design, make, test and evaluate their own products, in turn fostering an environment where problem-solving, collaboration and critical thinking flourish.
In EYFS, children study D.T. through the overarching concept, 'Expressive arts and design'. By giving children a range of experiences, we aim to help them develop and support their imagination and creativity. Children are given regular opportunities to engage with Design and Technology, which helps them to make sense of the world around them whilst increasing their knowledge and understanding of construction and materials through child led experiences.
In Key stage 1 and 2, we follow the Design & Technology Association Schemes of Work – Projects on a Page. Staff use and adapt the project planners and D&T association resources to meet the specific needs, interests, and abilities of their pupils.
In line with the other themes of our creative curriculum, children study two design and technology skills each year. They learn to design and make products which link to a topic, key text or school event and so are authentic for the children. We organise our Design and Technology curriculum planning into a two-year rolling programme. This means that children will cover the essential knowledge and skills during a two-year period. Detailed Progression documents have been created to ensure the curriculum is sequenced to build upon skills and understanding as the students move through school.
For each project pupils make something (product) for somebody (user) with some purpose. Each project has a skills focus:
mechanisms (Y1 and 2) and mechanical systems (Y3, 4, 5 and 6)
textiles (Y2, 3 and 5)
Cooking and nutrition
Electrical systems (Y4 and 5)
The skills of designing, making, and evaluating are structured to be progressively more complex, with the expectations increasing as pupils transition from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 (KS2). In Key Stage two the children are introduced to using computer aided design as a method of designing their products. Children also learn about key designers and innovations, discovering how they have shaped and impacted the world we live in today.